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NYC Angels: Unmasking Dr. Serious Page 8

  In his thoughts, he’d been extremely inappropriate. Down and dirty inappropriate.

  “We’re going to play a new game today. Are you ready?” Molly asked.

  “Yeah!” Josh agreed enthusiastically.

  “Absolutely,” Dan responded, hating to admit that he was growing used to her games.

  The game consisted of hitting the ball with their feet, which of course was much easier for him than it was for Josh. But he had to give his son credit, as he seemed determined to kick the ball up in the air with his toes.

  He was shocked and stunned when Molly deemed it time for the massage followed by the ultrasound treatments. How had the hour gone by that fast?

  When she’d finished with Josh’s ultrasound, Dan quickly followed her out of the room, leaving Josh to enjoy his lime-flavored lollipop. “Josh’s teacher has emailed me the names of the kids in his class, so I’m going to work on the invitations tonight.”

  “That’s great!” For what seemed to be the first time that morning, she looked him directly in the eye and smiled. “Josh is going to be so surprised.”

  Her enthusiasm was contagious. “Here’s what I have planned so far,” he said. “We’ll meet at the park first for the wheelchair football game, and then afterward we’ll eat pizza, punch, cake and ice cream either at the park if it’s nice or at my place if it’s not.”

  “That sounds perfect,” she agreed. “Don’t forget prizes.”

  “Prizes?” He stared, perplexed. “I wasn’t thinking of playing any other games.”

  “You need to reconsider that plan. What about a scavenger hunt?”

  “A scavenger hunt?” Hell, hosting a party was more complicated than he’d realized. “I don’t think I want the kids going around to the other apartments, asking for things.” He couldn’t remember the last time he’d participated in a scavenger hunt.

  “We could have a scavenger hunt at the park, after the football game.” Her green eyes brightened with excitement. “I’ll hide a bunch of stuff at wheelchair height or lower, and they can try to find the items I’ve hidden. Whatever they find are their prizes. Although you’ll need to make sure there’s a prize for everyone.”

  He suppressed a sigh. More rules. More things to buy. He needed another list. “Okay, that’ll work.”

  “We won’t know what the weather will be like, so we might need a back-up plan. Maybe check again with Josh’s teacher to see if the school would let us use the gym,” she suggested. But then she glanced at her watch. “Sorry, but I have to go. My next patient is here.”

  “Okay, no problem.” He took a step back, trying to hide a flash of disappointment. Not that he could blame her for needing to do her job. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Absolutely. Goodbye.” Was it his imagination or was she in a hurry to get away from him?

  As he went back to where Josh was waiting, he couldn’t deny he felt a little lost without the connection he’d thought he had with Molly. Had he become too dependent on her?

  The realization brought him up short. He couldn’t afford to be too dependent on anyone. Josh’s happiness was the most important thing in his life, and he needed to remember that.

  Granted, he appreciated Molly’s help, but he was making strides in mending his relationship with Josh. He might be new at this hosting-a-birthday-party thing, but he was determined to be a good father. He wanted—needed—to make sure his son knew just how much he loved him.

  * * *

  Molly did her best to keep her distance from Dan, but it wasn’t easy. On Tuesday night she called her friend Kara.

  “Molly, it’s so good to hear from you!” Kara gushed.

  “I know, it’s been too long, hasn’t it? How are you holding up?”

  “I’m doing okay.” Kara’s crush on Tyler Donaldson hadn’t been much of a secret. However, now that the handsome Texas-born neonatologist had gotten involved with Eleanor Aston, Kara had been trying to mend her bruised heart. Especially now the two were head over heels in love and rumored to be expecting a baby. “I can’t be mad at the guy, not when he’s obviously so happy.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone just as perfect someday,” Molly said stoutly.

  “Actually, I have met someone,” Kara said. “But we’re just friends.”

  “Really?” She injected warmth into her tone, refusing to be envious of her best friend. “Anyone I know?”

  “His name is David Jacobson and he’s a new pediatric neonatologist at Angel’s.” Since Kara worked in the brand-new neonatal unit, she probably interacted with the new doctor a lot. “But we’re just friends.”

  “Hey, you can’t ever have too many friends,” Molly pointed out.

  “I know, and I value your friendship every day,” Kara said. “By the way, would you be willing to go to Jack Carter’s going-away party with me this Friday night? Did you hear he’s having it at the Ritz?”

  “No, I hadn’t heard about the party, although I did hear that he handed in his resignation.” Normally, Molly avoided fancy places like the Ritz, but maybe attending Dr. Carter’s going-away party would be a good distraction. “What about your new friend, is he going to be there, too?”

  “Yes, he’s going and, yes, I wouldn’t mind bumping into him there. Come on, Molly, please? I don’t want to walk into this party all alone.”

  Molly knew Kara wanted a good reason to attend the same party David was going to, and since she knew Kara needed to get over Tyler, she couldn’t say no. Especially as her own social life was practically non-existent. It wouldn’t hurt her to get out and mingle more. “Sure. Why not? I’d love to.”

  “Thank you,” Kara murmured. “It starts at eight o’clock and you have to wear something fancy.”

  She grimaced. “Oh, boy, that means I have to go shopping.”

  “And when was the last time you bought yourself something nice?” Kara demanded.

  Since never. She’d worn a simple black skirt and green blouse for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, unwilling to spend her hard-earned money on fancy clothes. But it wasn’t every day that the chief of pediatrics stepped down to work at a free clinic with his fiancée, so she swallowed her protest. “Okay, okay. I’ll shop. Maybe I’ll find something on sale.”

  “Did you hear who’s been appointed Chief of General Pediatrics in Jack’s place?” Kara asked.


  “Dr. Layla Woods. I think it’s awesome that a female physician was given such a prestigious position, don’t you?”

  “Yes, it’s great.” Molly didn’t know Layla Woods personally, although everyone talked about the tiny blonde bombshell and her sweet Texas accent. Not to mention her brilliance as a pediatrician. “She deserves the position.”

  “I agree.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked, when Kara went quiet. “I’m sure it’s not easy to see Eleanor and Tyler together all the time.”

  “It was hard at first, but now they just seem so natural together that I can’t help but be happy for them.”

  “You’re amazing, Kara, you know that?”

  “Thanks, Molly, so are you. Hey, look, I have to run, my break is over. We’ll talk more later, okay?” Kara quickly disconnected the call and Molly could just imagine her friend running back to the unit to take care of her tiny patients.

  Molly was glad Kara wasn’t too heartbroken over Tyler and Eleanor’s newfound love. She didn’t want to be full of envy, but she hoped Eleanor k
new how lucky she was. If the rumors were true about her and Tyler having a baby, a family, was the greatest gift in the world.

  Images of Dan and Josh flitted into her mind, but she shoved them aside ruthlessly. The two of them were not meant for her.

  Maybe Kara was right. Maybe she needed to get out more. Socialize. Meet people. Meet men. Someone other than a single father with emotional baggage from his horrible ex-wife. What if she became involved with Dan and he ended up leaving her, just like James had?

  Walking into the living room, she turned on her laptop computer and logged into her bank accounts.

  She needed to know how much she could afford to spend on a dress. Because maybe, just maybe, she’d meet someone at the going-away party who would help her forget about Dr. Daniel Morris and his adorable son, Josh.

  * * *

  The following morning, Molly did her best to keep Josh and Dan at a professional distance. Josh’s therapy was coming along very nicely, and when she played the kick-my-hand game, she was thrilled at how high Josh was able to kick.

  “Oomph,” she grunted, playing it up a bit as she staggered backward, gazing at Josh in awe. “You nearly knocked me over!”

  “I know,” Josh said with exuberance. “I’m getting stronger, right, Molly?”

  “You are definitely getting stronger, champ,” Dan said, a wide smile on his face. “I’m so proud of you.”

  Despite her best efforts to stay detached from the dynamic father and son duo, her heart ached at the love shining from Dan’s eyes. Her throat tightened, and for a moment she couldn’t breathe.

  “We have a lot to thank Molly for, don’t we?” Dan said to Josh.

  The boy nodded. “Yep. We love Molly, don’t we, Dad?”

  She couldn’t talk, could barely think as Dan’s gaze clung to hers. “Yes, we do,” he agreed lightly.

  She knew he didn’t really mean it. At least, not in the guy-girl type of way. But she knew she was blushing just the same. “Enough, you two, we have more work to do before this session is over.”

  In truth, they only had one more game to play before it was time for the massage and the ultrasound treatment. She finished the therapy and handed Josh the jar of lollipops, watching with amusement as he chose a lemon-flavored sucker.

  “Molly, do you have a minute?” Dan asked, as she was about to leave.

  She glanced at the clock. “Just a minute. I have another patient waiting.”

  “I understand.”

  She walked down the hall to her office, all too aware of Dan following close behind. “Is there a problem? Has Josh been having more muscle spasms?”

  “No, there’s nothing wrong.” Was it her imagination or did he look nervous? “I just wanted to know if you were busy on Friday night?”

  For a moment she couldn’t hear anything but her heart thudding in her chest. Was he really asking her out on a date? Then she realized he probably wanted her to spend time with him and Josh again. She sensed he liked having her as a buffer when he interacted with his son. Although they were clearly getting along better so she knew he didn’t really need her.

  “I’m sorry, but I already have plans. Maybe another time?”

  The disappointment in his eyes tugged at her heart, but she did her best to ignore it. “Sure. Another time, then.”

  She tore her gaze away and glanced again at the clock. Of course today every one of her patients was going to show up for their appointments. “I’ll see you and Josh tomorrow, okay?” Without waiting for him to say anything, she quickly left her office, heading to the waiting room to greet her next patient.

  Unfortunately, Dan’s invitation looped over and over like a stuck tape playing through her mind as her day progressed. Along with the distinct disappointment in his dark eyes, when she’d told him she already had plans.

  How pathetic to realize that deep down she would rather spend time with Dan and Josh, instead of dressing up for some fancy going-away party at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. If not for agreeing to Kara’s plans first, she might have backed out.

  What in the world was wrong with her, anyway?


  AFTER MOLLY SHOT DOWN his invitation before he could even ask her to go with him, Dan wasn’t exactly looking forward to Jack Carter’s going-away party, but as the event would be doubling as a fund-raiser for Nina’s pro bono clinic, he told himself that it was all for a good cause.

  Molly seemed to be back to her friendly self by Friday, and it had taken everything he had not to ask her out again, this time for Saturday night.

  He sensed there was more holding her back than just the fact that he was the father of her young patient. Molly was bright and cheerful most of the time, but there were the occasional moments when she seemed a little sad. He thought about what his partner had said, about Molly breaking up with her boyfriend about a year ago, and found himself wondering what had happened. Had she broken things off? Or was she still in love with the loser?

  The very thought of her being in love with someone else made him feel sick to his stomach. By all rights he should want Molly to be happy, yet somehow he only wanted her to be happy with him.

  And Josh.

  He donned his tux, which he’d had to dig out of the back of his closet, eyeing himself critically in the mirror. He’d asked Gemma to stay overnight in order to watch Josh, something he hadn’t needed her to do since he’d taken his leave of absence from the hospital. Normally, Gemma only stayed overnight on the weeknights and weekends he was on call.

  Luckily, she hadn’t said anything about the fact that he was spending the time going out rather than working.

  “Don’t go, Daddy,” Josh whined. “Stay home with me.”

  He paused in the act of drawing on his jacket. This was the first time Josh had ever asked him to stay home. The first time his son had indicated he might prefer his father’s company over that of his nanny.

  “I love you, Josh,” he said, coming over to crouch down next to Josh’s wheelchair. “More than anything in the whole wide world.”

  “I love you, too, Daddy.” Josh leaned against him, burying his face in his father’s chest.

  Dan kissed the top of his son’s head, his heart swelling with emotion. He considered calling off his plans. It wasn’t as if anyone would really miss him if he didn’t show up.

  “How about I stay here until it’s time for you to go to sleep?” he said, trying to compromise. “We can read another book.”

  “Really?” Josh visibly brightened. “That would be awesome.”

  “Really.” He followed as his son wheeled himself into his bedroom. He knew the party would start without him. And he’d only be a little late.

  His son was far more important. Seeing the progress Josh was making helped ease his guilt for having been distracted the night of the crash. He was beginning to believe Josh really would walk again.

  Now, for the first time in a long time, he had his priorities straight.

  * * *

  Molly paid the taxi fare and then walked into the Ritz Carlton Hotel. For several long moments she stood in the opulent lobby, gazing at the impressive high-domed ceilings and ornate white woodwork trimmed with gold as she waited for Kara to arrive. She smoothed a hand down her slinky green dress, and smiled as a couple walked by, wondering for the tenth time if the gown was too revealing. Not that it was extremely low cut or anything, but the way the fabric clung to every curve didn’t leave much to the imagination.

nbsp; She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, glancing down at her watch. It was barely eight o’clock, so it wasn’t as if Kara was late. But she couldn’t help feeling conspicuous, standing here alone.

  A tall, handsome man with jet-black hair walked into the lobby, talking on his phone. “Hi, Callie, how is life in the great Down Under?”

  Molly recognized him as Alex Rodriguez, one of the top neurosurgeons on staff at Angels. She turned away, trying not to eavesdrop on his conversation, although he wasn’t exactly trying to be quiet. She noticed several other heads had turned in his direction, as well.

  “I’m glad you’re doing better, because I’m not,” he said curtly. “Can you believe Layla Woods has been appointed as the new chief of Pediatrics? Seems no matter how hard I try to move on with my life, that woman keeps popping back into it.”

  Molly moved a few steps away, even though Dr. Rodriguez had certainly captured her attention. Apparently not everyone was thrilled to have a female in charge of the pediatric division. Was there some personal history between him and Layla? She didn’t often pay attention to the hospital grapevine.

  “Don’t get involved?” Alex let out a harsh, humorless laugh. “Yeah, thanks for the warning, Callie. You and I are way too much alike, so I’ll say the same right back at you.”

  There was another pause as he listened to something Callie said. “Thanks for the invite, but I’m not running away. Especially not from a woman.”

  Just as Alex Rodriguez finished his call, Kara walked in, looking very glamorous in a midnight-blue dress that displayed her slim figure to full advantage. Molly quickly crossed over to greet her. “Wow, Kara, you look amazing!”

  Kara laughed and hugged her. “So do you, Molly.”

  “Maybe, but I think a certain doctor is going to be shocked when he catches a glimpse of you,” she teased.

  “From your lips to his ears,” Kara said with a laugh. “And if he doesn’t notice me, hopefully someone else will. So, are you ready to head up there?”